Saturday, September 15, 2007

Holly Lisle - a favorite writer

I've been digging around on her site. Ordered one of her ebooks, will order more.

I've been reading her since I discovered Diplomacy of Wolves. What I discovered (re-discovered?) on her site is that she also wrote Minerva Wakes... that's one of my favorites too but I hadn't kept in my mind that she was the author of it. I see that she also wrote Sympathy for the Devil... I don't know if I've read that or not... I read so much sci fi (technical term) there's no way I could keep it all in mind. SF, Fantasy, F&SF, sci fi; I read it all. Not much into "Thud & Blunder", unless it's comical. Sometimes I could really hate Unicorns.

But... Minerva Wakes... there is an aspect to that which targets something I really like... so I'm going to try for a series of posts here that outlines it.

Little Cat Has a New Game

As always she comes up to me and so respectfully and quietly says "ma"

Then it's "run away run away" "follow me" "lets go here... no here!"

The new game? It's "run circles around the vacuum cleaner".

This cat is so sweet.
