Friday, October 12, 2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Holly Lisle - a favorite writer

I've been digging around on her site. Ordered one of her ebooks, will order more.

I've been reading her since I discovered Diplomacy of Wolves. What I discovered (re-discovered?) on her site is that she also wrote Minerva Wakes... that's one of my favorites too but I hadn't kept in my mind that she was the author of it. I see that she also wrote Sympathy for the Devil... I don't know if I've read that or not... I read so much sci fi (technical term) there's no way I could keep it all in mind. SF, Fantasy, F&SF, sci fi; I read it all. Not much into "Thud & Blunder", unless it's comical. Sometimes I could really hate Unicorns.

But... Minerva Wakes... there is an aspect to that which targets something I really like... so I'm going to try for a series of posts here that outlines it.

Little Cat Has a New Game

As always she comes up to me and so respectfully and quietly says "ma"

Then it's "run away run away" "follow me" "lets go here... no here!"

The new game? It's "run circles around the vacuum cleaner".

This cat is so sweet.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Fried Green Tomatoes with TVP

Judy and I were out in the garden, looking at the tomato plant which was wilting and discovered it was nicely broken off at the base. You can see a plant is missing from the nearest cage...


"How about fried green tomatoes?

I thought that sounded great!

So later, I find her cooking and she has finally used the Martha Stewart Mandolin which I had bought for $1.25 at a rummage sale (the M.S. Mandolin was highly recommended on the Fatblasters email list).

By Golly it works as advertised. Had been "lost", but thanks to Judy, maybe it will now get some serious use.

So Judy's cookin' up a storm...

Yes folks, it's fried green tomatoes,

just like in the movie, but the meat is tvp (textured vegetable protein).

The Mandolin did a great job . Learn something every day.

Last of the tomatoes from the poor broken plant, cooking ->

and Now we are cooking the last of the TVP (which I buy from, which also happens to be "The Farm", the most successful "hippie commune" there is!).

Eat up, Comrades!

Magic Cat, Healing Cat

In case anyone thinks I am complaining about Ms. Pretty, let me be clear:

She is a Magic Cat.

She can heal us with her presence. It has happened several times. She knows when we are sick or feeling down, and she will come and sit by us or lean against us.

Yes, she has done some awful things in the distant past. She has given herself electro-shock therapy.

Little Cat In Her Cat - Cave

She escapes all fans in this manner...

Ms. Pretty's After Breakfast Repose

Ah yes she really knows
how to take it easy.

Ms. Pretty at Breakfast

She's so simple:

> You ate all the muffin, and left me nothin'

[ Yes, I'm channeling Ms. Pretty]

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Happenings of the Day: Ms. Pretty, etc.

So now Ms. Pretty owns "the" chair in the living room.

Nowhere for Jeffy. And she shows no signs of stirring. And I am so
happy to do good things for her, I'm just leaving her there.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Propeller Cat

yes... here's an old picture of Judy and one of her fav cats:

This cat had a name I can't reveal! So I just call her "Propeller Cat"

Judy says you could "fly" this cat around the room in the manner you see in the pic, her tail whipping around in circles, and the cat loved it.

My cat Wanda will do the propeller thing too.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sharing life with cats

Wanda comes over needs her cuddling this morning. She only quits crying
when she's in physical contact, getting old, blind.

So right this minute I have cats on both sides of me.

Wanda on right.

Little Cat on left... in corner of couch, watching me with one eye.

Me, typing.


How to have a dynamic interesting blog...

Ok... don't do things like I'm doing...


Saturday, May 5, 2007

How to show affection.  (another google search)

Continuing in my search on how to show someone you love them,  is this search: How to show affection.

On the first page there are several items of interest.
  • How to show affection to a cat (important around here)
  • How to show affection to Your Children.... quotes Maya Angelou
  • Two links to articles on
Worthy reading... about "Not Computers"

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Cats At Gooseberry Hill

are Wanda (my Evil Cat), Shadow (my Good Cat), Ms. Pretty (Judy's Pretty
Cat), and Huitaca aka Little Cat (Judy's Angel Cat).

They barely get along. Wanda is nasty to all of them, and to Judy;
she was my first cat and she doesn't tolerate sharing.

The rest of them are as they are, except that Ms. Pretty bites
unexpectedly... you have to approach her in the proper worshipful manner.

Ah! What would life be without Cats?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Jeff & Wanda

Wanda has been a great kitty today and yesterday... we've been napping together. Something we haven't done for a long time!

And her name, Wanda? That's because she "Wandered" in!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Don't Wake The Beauty...

She really doesn't like the flash. I've had a continuing problem taking pictures of our cats. They're too interested in the camera and once the flash goes off I never get the least bit of cooperation.

Imagine that, cats that don't cooperate. Hah.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Beauty of Sleep

Ms. Pretty loves her "Mom". Not only is the best purr-er I have ever met, she's also the best sleep-er!